16 Jul 2014

Stop With The Ukulele Rules

Just some things to mull over for you... Was merely considering the beauty that has been created by variances in the use of instruments to make music. Often it seems that people don't want that for the ukulele...

The Guitar

The Violin

The Piano


Stop telling people that you MUST play the ukulele this way or that. It's just a musical instrument.... Play what YOU like and what YOU want. Without development and variety on musical instruments I for one think the world of music would be a very one dimensional place.

Thank you!

AND! Be sure to check out my other ukulele RANTS - where I explode the many myths and bad advice that surrounds the instrument - CLICK this link! http://www.gotaukulele.com/search/label/rants


  1. This is so true, why are there so many uke clubs that just "strum"..... up, down, up, down, up down, BOOOOOOORRRRRRRING !
    This seems to be what UK players do most. I really want to learn more picking and arpeggio techniques. Other countries have far more interesting players. Also will anyone ever invent a new way of playing a banjolele apart from old time music hall or Formby.
    Great site always look forward to the rants.
    Happy playing all

  2. Operators have limitations. Ukuleles do not.

    Do what feels good.

    www.ukuleleruss.com -- The last ukulele frontier, Alaska.

  3. Uke clubs do the old easy strum for the same reason they play easy songs: You need to make the group accessible to new players. They are not the place for learning innovative new techniques. Although many clubs have smaller splinter groups that push themselves harder.

  4. Thats not really what I was getting at but I take your point. Believe it or not there are people out there who frown at rock and roll being played on ukes, or amplifying them. That was my issue.

  5. I agree--play what you want *how* you want! But I hope that I won't be looked down on for playing just simple strums, as the ukulele is a pastime for me, not something I want to *work* on.

  6. CountryMouse - that was certainly NOT the intention of the piece - it was aimed at those that think the uke is only for very narrow styles of music

  7. I have and electric uke and had a bit of backlash when I played it through a guitar FX pedal....... but I ROCKED !

  8. Anyone else read this as 'Follow the rules or you'll end up as the uke version of Lars Ulrich' and immediately went and quickly start searching for 'simple Hawaiian songs 3 chords or less' and 'hawaiian shirts'.

  9. damn I hope not - mind you - could also end up as Joe Morello


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