10 Apr 2014

Mobius Ukulele Strap - REVIEW

Ahhh, the ukulele strap ... if ever there was a subject to divide all opinion. Readers of my blog will know my view - if you want to use a ukulele strap, then use a strap! I do! I have been aware of this particular product for some time now, but only recently got around to having a closer look at one. The Mobius Strap for ukulele. A strap with a twist!

Mobius Ukulele Strap

The mobius ukulele strap uses a simple but clever bit of mathematics based on the 'mobius ring' to create a support system for the uke that I must say, is pretty decent.

The strap consists of simple bit of webbing as used in so many straps with velcro closures on the ends. But the closures don't match in a way that allows you to create a basic loop - they require you to put a half turn into the loop creating a twist, that rather cleverly helps this to work.

The strap is passed underneath the strings on the front of the uke, then attached in the loop with the all important half twist in the loop. When the strap is then put over the head in the right way (I got it wrong first time) and held in place in the waist of the uke, the twist kind of resolves itself around your body and feels very comfortable. And because of the way the strap runs and twists, it doesn't flap about under the strings, or cover the sound hole - it naturally, and lightly presses down on the soundboard behind the uke, thereby not affecting the sound projection and actually holding the uke against your body. Devilishly simple I thought and it just works.  (And whilst I got it wrong first time, that was because I, typically, didn't read the instructions properly - thankfully they are included and very clear to understand!)

Mobius Ukulele Strap

The system comes with a standard strap buckle adjustment for length, allowing you to have the uke held just where you want it.

In play, I didn't really notice it was there and it didn't interfere with my play at all. I would say that I would class this as more of a support than a full strap. It does allow you to go hands free, but you need to ensure that the uke is balanced as I found it quite easy for the uke to tip one direction or the other. Thankfully the instrument is not going to hit the floor as the strap will be stopped by either the neck or the bridge, so it is quite safe, but isn't quite so sturdy as using strap buttons. But really, this is aimed at people who don't want to drill their ukes for whatever reason.

I like this as an alternative to the sound hole hook (something I have NEVER liked as I don't want that kind of pressure on my sound hole, nor does it offer hands free support), and whilst I was apprehensive before it arrived, was pleasantly surprised at the comfort and ease of use.

Mobius Ukulele Strap in use

It won't suit every uke though - pineapple body shapes may be tricky to keep the strap held, and the makers advise that ukes like resonators may be too bottom heavy to hold too. But for the vast majority of ukes, it will work just fine.

I like simple ideas put to good use and this fits the bill very well. If you are wanting to avoid the drill option, then I think you should check them out.

They are available through the Mobius Strap website at http://www.mobiusstrap.com/index.html. They retail at $16.95.


  1. I hate pressure on my sound hole too.

  2. Very interesting indeed. I have been looking at straps recently and haven't seen this one. Thanks for the review.

  3. I bought one of these and the Uke Leash - i just cant get on with the Mobius. Apart from stopping your uke from falling to the floor if you let go, it seems to offer pitifully little in the way of balanced support. It could be, of course, that it's because I am a funny shape. Entirely possible. I think it is best suited to a tenor or baritone. In my opinion The Uke Leash, which a different proposition in being only a half strap, is a much better bet for concert or soprano sizes. Now, I wonder if can I use the Mobius to take the dog for a walk?

  4. I don't think either the Möbius or the Uke Leash can ever offer full support like a two point strap can- but I don't think they are trying to. I think the Mobius is purely about allowing you to go totally hands free between songs. But then, I'm comfortable playing uke without a strap if needed - and really only use one myself to give me that hands free between songs

  5. The strap works very well, but I would strongly advise against buying it in the UK. It cost me £25.14 for the strap and carriage, 75p for a non-sterling transaction fee and £11.93 from the Post Office for a customs charge. A whopping £37.82 in total!!

  6. This is a good strap, but I would warn you that if you live in the UK it will cost you dearly. You will be charged £25.14 for the strap and carriage, 75p for a non-sterling transaction fee and £11.93 from the Post Office for Customs charges. A whopping £37.82 in total!

  7. Easy enough to make one for less than a tenner (UK)

  8. Yeah - damn these people getting off their backsides and doing something themselves...

  9. I bought one and found it brilliant. It definitely works. Very expensive to buy in UK 10$ plus 10$ postage. I bought some webbing and sew on Velcro and made a spare that works brilliant as well. The one I made is not adjustable but I just adjusted the bought one to size and measured the total length. Funnily enough I use the one I made all the time

  10. Another great article Barry, I'm very new to the Uke and one by one you are answering all of my concerns. After reading your review of the Baton Rouge soprano I called into our local music shop and tried the BR range before delightedly bringing home the Concert. I may not have looked at this range had it not been for you. Many Thanks

  11. Hi Barry, I bought one of these in 2015 and used it on my soprano, tenor, and baritone ukes. It really is convenient. I bought another for my niece's concert a couple of years ago, and I've just fitted a new one on my u-bass ... and yes, it does work well with the u-bass. Thanks for reviewing it.


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